• Drinking Water Is Necessary To Switch Your Fat Burning Enzymes On
    Fat breakdown depends on water. It doesn’t happen efficiently without plenty of it. Looking at your body fat as a whole, something has to happen to it for it to shrink so you can get slimmer. It needs to be broken down so it can be used by your body.

    An enzyme called lipase is required to break down fat. If you imagine your fat as a brick wall, lipase is a chisel that removes the bricks one by one. The bricks are now free to travel to be used around the body and burned up for energy.

    Lipase needs water in a good supply to work well. This is how it works:

    Fat + Water + Lipase = Fatty Acids

    Fatty acids are the small building blocks of fat. They are small enough to be released into your circulation and will be picked up by cells around your body needing energy. They are released easier when you are well hydrated. Drinking water to lose weight allows the enzymes to break down fat efficiently.

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